We're B Corp Certified

Kelly Partners Group are leading the charge on doing business for good as one of Australia's only B Corp certified accounting firms.

Certified B Corporation

In 2020 Kelly+Partners officially became a part of the global B Corp movement to harness the power of our business growth to create a positive change. B Corp recognises our mission to help the people, businesses and communities we serve, be better off.

What Is a Certified B Corporation?

Certified B Corporations are part of a broader movement to redefine business success to align with sustainable goals. B Corp is a trust mark for companies that meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

Led by B Lab, the non-profit organisation behind B Corp, the certification's mission is to create a more sustainable and inclusive economy with opportunities for everyone.

Governments can only do so much. This is why businesses like Kelly+Partners have stepped up to provide solutions to these complex global issues and are being recognised for our work.

"To certify as an ASX-listed company is rare, given the additional challenges listed companies face in reporting and compliance. It is both an impressive achievement for Kelly+Partners and another step forward for the movement of B Corps in our region."

Andrew Davies, CEO of B Lab Australia and New Zealand

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How do you become B Corp Certified? 

To qualify as a B Corp, a business must have an explicit social or environmental mission as well as legally binding responsibility to take into account their team, community, shareholders and the environment. 

B Corps are required to re-verify every 3 years. This means businesses are accountable to keeping up with the high standards and expectations of B Corp. 

To read more about how to qualify as a B Corp, visit their website.